Maria Gravari-Barbas to Speak at the 2018 Conference on Tourism & Leisure Studies

  • 2018-01-23

We are pleased to announce Maria Gravari-Barbas will be speaking at the Third International Conference on Tourism & Leisure Studies.

Maria Gravari-Barbas has a degree in Architecture and Urban Design (University of Athens, 1985), and a PhD in Geography and Planning (Paris 4 – Sorbonne University, 1991). She was Fellow at the Urban Program of Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA (1990). She is the Director of the Institute for Research and High Studies on Tourism (Institut de Recherches et d’Etudes Supérieures du TourismeTourisme, IREST) of Paris 1 – Sorbonne University and of the IREST, a multidisciplinary research team dedicated to tourism studies, with main focus cultural heritage, development, and urban-tourism evolutions.

Maria is the coordinator of the UNESCO Chair “Tourism, Culture, Development” of Paris 1 – Sorbonne University and of the UNITWIN network of the same name, comprising more than 25 top level universities all around the World. She is invited professor in different Universities in Europe, the States and Latin America. She is the author of several books and papers related to Tourism, Culture and Heritage. Some recent publications:

  • Maria Gravari-Barbas et Sandra Guinand (dir.) 2017, Tourism and Gentrification in Contemporary Metropolises. International Perspectives. Routledge.
  • Maria Gravari-Barbas et Nelson Graburn (dir.), 2016) Tourism Imaginaries at the Disciplinary Crossroads. Place, Practice, Media, Routledge.
  • Maria Gravari-Barbas & Cécile Renard (dir.), 2015, Starchitecture(s). Figures of Aarchitects and the Tourist Space, L’Harmattan, Paris.
  • Laurent Bourdeau, M. Gravari-Barbas, Mike Robinson, 2015, World Heritage Sites and Tourism: Global and Local Relations, Ashgate.
  • M. Gravari-Barbas & E.Fagnoni (dir.), 2015, Nouveaux musées, nouvelles ères urbaines, nouvelles pratiques touristiques, Presses Universitaires de Laval, Canada.
  • M. Gravari-Barbas & E.Fagnoni (dir.), 2013, Tourisme et Métropolisation. Comment le Tourisme redessine Paris, Belin, coll. Mappemonde, 373p.
  • M. Gravari-Barbas, 2013, Aménager la ville par la culture et le tourisme, Editions le Moniteur,159 pages.
  • M. Gravari-Barbas, S. Jacquot, 2013, Patrimoine mondial et développement au défi du tourisme durable, Presses de l’UQAM, Montréal 302p.
  • Laurent Bourdeau, Maria Gravari-Barbas, Mike Robinson (dir.), 2011, Tourisme et Patrimoine Mondial, Presses Universitaires de Laval, Canada.